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时间:2024-04-28 10:59:46
1、天下没有不散的宴席,但会有一生的知己。 There is no feast that will not end, but there will be a lifelong confidant. 2、驻留的感情,寄托有所安放。 The feelings of staying are placed. 3、绚烂生活,友谊如河。 Colorful life, friendship like a river. 4、时光安然,即使不说话也十分美好。 Time is fine, even if you don't speak. 5、友情也会有第三者,比爱情可怕。 Friendship also has a third party, which is more terrible than love. 6、人生这一辈子,说长也长,说短也短。 Life is long and short. 7、感谢上天让我们相遇,相知,相惜,相依。 Thank God let us meet, know, cherish and depend on each other. 8、一份问候,语轻情长。 A greeting is light and affectionate. 9、把真的留下,把假的剔除。 Leave the real and eliminate the fake. 10、友如作画须求淡,山似论文不喜平。 Friends like painting must seek light, mountain like paper does not like flat. 11、老歌情浓,老友情深,一生努力,一生被爱。 Old songs love, old friends love, life hard, life is loved. 12、送一送问候,让关心蔓延。 Send a greeting, let concern spread. 13、生是我的大肥猪,死是我的五花肉。 Life is my big fat pig, and death is my meat. 14、友谊常在,心通则已。 Friendship is always there, but understanding is already. 15、就静静的坐着,也不会尴尬。 Just sit quietly, and you won't be embarrassed. 16、生活因快乐而记忆,朋友因祝福而铭记。 Life is remembered because of happiness, and friends are remembered by blessing. 17、人生贵相知,何用金与钱。 Life is dear to know each other, how to use money and money. 18、很多事情你看淡了,方能有阳光明媚。 A lot of things you look down on, can have sunshine. 19、没男朋友可以,没你不行。 No boyfriend, no you. 20、未来的路还很长,我们的友谊地久天长! There is still a long way to go in the future. Our friendship will last forever! 21、心中的思念,温馨起涟漪。 The missing in the heart, warm ripples. 22、在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间。 In the face of friendship, people are like stars. 23、一生知己难求,如有必当同怀视之。 It's hard to find a bosom friend in your life. If you have one, you should look at it with your heart. 24、一份美好,在心间徜徉。 A beautiful, wandering in the heart. 25、味甘终易坏,岁晚还知,君子之交淡如水。 Taste sweet end easy to bad, old and late still know, gentleman's friendship as light as water. 26、莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。 Don't worry about the road ahead without a confidant. 27、友情,是一世难求的缘份。 Friendship is the fate of a lifetime. 28、把我周全,给我心安。 Give me peace of mind. 29、人家帮我,永志不忘,我帮人家,莫记心上。 People help me, never forget, I help others, don't remember. 30、独自走过苍苍莽莽,与你同行才有了光。 Walk alone through the boundless, walk with you to have light. 31、因为不知道永远,所以要珍惜现在。 Because you don't know forever, you should cherish the present. 32、陪你,两个字就是我和你的感情。 Accompany you, two words are my feelings with you. 33、是心里的牵挂,是心头的想念。 It is the concern in the heart, is the missing in the heart. 34、活得越来越酷,朋友丢了一路。 Live more and more cool, friends lost all the way. 35、一起变富婆,变成可爱老太婆。 Become rich woman together, become lovely old woman. 36、不用刻意想起,因为从未忘记。 Do not deliberately think of, because never forget. 37、愚蠢的朋友比明智的敌人更糟糕。 A foolish friend is worse than a wise enemy. 38、孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流。 The only way to see the Yangtze River is to see the sky. 39、卑鄙与狡诈的开始,就是在友谊的终结。 The beginning of meanness and cunning is at the end of friendship. 40、不必很多,知心就好。 Don't have to be a lot. Just be intimate. 41、友谊是人生很大的快乐。 Friendship is the greatest happiness in life. 42、情谊若是亏欠,到老也不心安。 If you are in debt, you will not feel at ease when you are old. 43、与你分享过的青春,不比初恋少半分。 The youth shared with you is no less than half of the first love. 44、把我珍惜,让我眷恋。 Cherish me, let me love. 45、在你需要的时候,*一时间赶来。 Come as soon as you need it. 46、相知无远近,万里尚为邻。 We know each other far and near, but we are still neighbors. 47、纸短情长,一直都在。 The paper is short and the love is long. 48、入睡是甜,醒来成真! Sleep is sweet, wake up to come true! 49、人不是因为幸福而笑,而是因为笑而幸福。 People laugh not because of happiness, but because they laugh. 50、人生得一知已足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。 It's enough to have a knowledge of life. We should look at it with the same mind. 51、没有朋友的人,就像树木缺掉根茎一样。 People without friends are like trees without roots. 52、直干的树木用处多,正直的男儿朋友多。 A straight tree has many uses, but a man of integrity has many friends. 53、人和人相遇靠缘分,心和心相惜靠真诚。 People meet by fate, heart and heart cherish each other by sincerity. 54、这个距离,不远,也不近;不疏,也不密。 This distance is neither far nor near; it is neither sparse nor dense. 55、记不清了,就放下了。 If I don't remember clearly, I put it down. 56、因你未离,我亦未弃。 Because you have not left, I have not abandoned. 57、有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar. 58、友谊,不需要朝朝暮暮,记得就好。 Friendship, don't need day and night, just remember. 59、老师口中的狐朋狗友,却给了我整个青春。 The friends in the teacher's mouth, but gave me the whole youth. 60、不是追逐,而是相吸。 Not chasing, but attracting.





